
Monday 9 March 2009

London Young Labour Event

Congrats to Jessica for setting up this much needed blog! I started blogging a year ago when I ran in the Fortune Green by-election - a ward that has been controlled by the Lib Dems for over 25 years.

However, a friend convinced me to start blogging about my campaign just because he loved blogging himself. I was hesitant initially but I’m really glad I did because it spiralled from being just a blog about an unwinnable election to my thoughts on Labour Party policies; promoting fundraising and other events in my CLP; my comments on international affairs and more.

I can also check my blog statistics so I know exactly how many people have viewed my blog posts or my photos – it’s very addictive I tell you. I can also view the search terms people have used to get to my blog and this has kept me entertained for hours on end – they range from ‘tibetan tulip’ (?) to ‘videos of tulip’ (I’m sure that particular visitor was searching for something else...)

Anyway, I’m also Women’s Officer for London Young Labour so I use my blog to raise awareness about the issues that are important to young women living in London. For International Women’s Day, I’m hosting an event in Parliament where we’re having two newly elected female councillors speaking. Louisa Thomson and Rohini Simbodyal will be speaking about their election experience from a female perspective as the process can often be very male dominated.

They will be giving us an overview of the whole process from getting selected; producing leaflets and direct mails; surviving a husting; dealing with the local media; canvassing; working with and motivating Labour Party members; polling day operations and finally the sweet taste of victory!

The event is taking place on Wednesday 11th March at 7pm in Room O, Portcullis House so please do contact me through my blog if you would like to attend.

Please note that although this event has been organised by London Young Labour, you do NOT have to be under 27 to attend!

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